
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Sea of Rain

Hello. Welcome to Mare Imbrium . I do not know if someone is out here, in the misty forest of words within the internet.  I really wish you're all here. The ones I hold very dear to my heart since the LiveJournal days, everyone I've made an acquaintance during De.Lirium's existence and anyone else that wishes to travel with me onto the unforeseeable future.  We've all moved onto other platforms. Most of them managed by the same company that uses annoying algorithms and misuse of data. We, as a whole chunk of creatives trying to find our place globally, complain about such things, yet we keep posting on these social media apps like a plague.  De.Lirium, my creative lifestyle blog came to an end during Autumn 2017, after Hurricane Maria left Puerto Rico in shreds. I lost all the data.  That year I was living in México. However, my grandmother had fallen ill and I traveled back to Puerto Rico. I was not intending on moving back to the island (in fact, I even left all my be
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