A Sea of Rain

Hello. Welcome to Mare Imbrium.

I do not know if someone is out here, in the misty forest of words within the internet. 

I really wish you're all here. The ones I hold very dear to my heart since the LiveJournal days, everyone I've made an acquaintance during De.Lirium's existence and anyone else that wishes to travel with me onto the unforeseeable future. 

We've all moved onto other platforms. Most of them managed by the same company that uses annoying algorithms and misuse of data. We, as a whole chunk of creatives trying to find our place globally, complain about such things, yet we keep posting on these social media apps like a plague. 

De.Lirium, my creative lifestyle blog came to an end during Autumn 2017, after Hurricane Maria left Puerto Rico in shreds. I lost all the data. 

That year I was living in México. However, my grandmother had fallen ill and I traveled back to Puerto Rico. I was not intending on moving back to the island (in fact, I even left all my belongings on Mexican soil) but global warming had other plans.

Everything has changed drastically these past four years. I'm constantly trying to keep my head above water while helping my family survive hurricanes, earthquakes, heatwaves, and a pandemic. 

Growing old during uncertain times does feel like a delirium evoking situation.  

As a result of so much obligatory introspection, I've grown as an individual and learned new tricks. Alas, I've convinced myself, even more, of how little I know about existence.

One thing is for sure, writing is important. 

Before I reach closure, let me elucidate the hypothesis of this new space called Mare Imbrium. I'll be blogging here, but not like I did back in De.Lirium. I won't be attached to a schedule.
Since most art content is being published over at Patreon and YouTube Vlogs, this will serve as a personal space for anything else I wish to share. 

I'll be tweaking the layout and thoughts as I gain my blogging muscle back. But for now, where do YOU want to go?


  1. I'm sad that I only found this blog now. I actually found it while viewing old blog posts of Alison Lisa Horn and coming up on one of your comments. I hope that you decide to blog here again. I do feel that Instagram has drained much of our creativity. I miss telling the story of my life through photographs and words. There is only so much you can do with Instagram. But sadly it is where most people reside. I wish there was a way to bring blogging back again! I love you to the moon and back, my Friend! <3


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